Quick Links

  • Initial Quest - The Future I Want To Spin
  • Further Breeding Armu And Ardun
  • Picking Armu And Ardun Pairs
  • Finishing Up

Just like the previous entries in the series, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has a huge world for you to discover and plenty of side quests to dive into, bringing each area of Aionios to life as you meet more and more of the people who live there.

In one of the side quests you can start in Colony Mu, you can help the residents to breed Armu and Ardun together as they begin a new life without needing to fight to keep their Flame Clock burning. Completing this side quest, and continuing to breed Armu and Ardun after it's finished, is essential if you want to complete the rest of the quests available in this colony.

Initial Quest - The Future I Want To Spin

The Future I Want To Spin Xenoblade Chronicles 3

To kickstart Colony Mu's Ardun and Armu ranch, you will need to begin the side quest called The Future I Want To Spin.

First, you'll need to obtain two pieces of information from around Colony Mu. These will result in the Changes Afoot Discussion Topic, which you will need to have the party discuss at a rest spot.

Once you discuss the topic, The Future I Want To Spin side quest will be accepted into your quest log.

The first objective requires you to talk to Tussore. She tells you that she's started raising Armu, but she's not really sure what she's doing. She'd like more information on this topic if you can find it for her.

The party remembers Wellwell, a Nopon in the City who has books about a variety of topics. Perhaps Wellwell has a book about raising Armu?

The party speaking to Wellwell in the City in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

Head to the Serene Square landmark in the City and talk to Wellwell — he'll allow you to purchase two books about raising Armu and Ardun, called Armu Psychology and Ardun Psychology, for 5000g apiece.

Go back to Colony Mu and give Tussore the books you just purchased. Armed with all this information, she's ready to start raising Armu! But she needs some help from you first — she asks you to gather food that she can feed to the livestock.

You'll need to keep giving her the items below until the bar reaches 100 percent.

Item Location Progress
Armu Barley Corne Island and Migrow's Rosary (Cadensia Region) +10 percent
Dish Philodendron Daedal Isle (Cadensia Region) +4 percent
Frangible Yam Daedal Isle (Cadensia Region) +4 percent
Plumage Peach Ishan Isle (Cadensia Region) +10 percent
Dance Apple Yzana Plans (north of Colony 9) +10 percent
Heart Peach Hovering Reef 6 and Hovering Reef 7 (Keves Castle Region) +20 percent
Accord Acorn Daedal Isle (Cadensia Region) +4 percent
Khaki Kernel Laprel Knoll (Ribbi Flats) +10 percent

Once you have given Tussore enough food, she'll ask you to pick an Armu and Ardun pair to breed together, based on the compatibility of their personalities.

You have the choice of these options:

  • Rascally Ardun and Timid Armu
  • Easygoing Ardun and Impulsive Armu
  • Rascally Ardun and Impulsive Armu
  • Easygoing Ardun and Timid Armu

While you can pick any pair and complete the quest, picking Easygoing Ardun and Timid Armu will make it quicker and easier for you to complete Armu and Ardun breeding later on.

Now that you've picked your Armu and Ardun pair, you will need to wait for it to rain to see the results. You can either leave it up to chance and wait for it to rain in the game naturally, or head over to the Seaspray Lookout landmark in the Cadensia region to find a Nopon named Pitapata who will make it rain if you pay them 10,000g.

To reach Pitapata from the landmark, ride the zipline directly in front of you, and then take the following zipline to your left. You'll find Pitapata at the top of the spiralling slopes in front of a Container.

Speaking to Pitapata in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

Pay Pitapata to make it rain, then head back to Colony Mu. When you return, Tussore will show you that the Ardun and Armu pair you picked had babies! And what adorable babies they are.

This is the end of the side quest The Future I Want To Spin, but if you speak to Tussore again, you will be able to continue breeding Ardun and Armu.

This isn't part of a formal quest that the game registers in your quest log, but you will still need to complete this if you want to continue building Affinity with Colony Mu.

Further Breeding Armu And Ardun

Speaking to Tussore in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

When you speak to Tussore again after completing the quest, she'll ask you to help her gather food for the creatures once more. However, this time, you'll have to go through three rounds before you're able to breed an Armu and Ardun pair.

First Round Feeding

  • Armu Barley
  • Perfume Herb
  • Sunny Aloe
  • Thinskin
  • Pulpgrass
  • Amethyst Melon
  • Blue Sorghum
  • Fourtune Clovers

Your best option here is Pulpgrass, providing 25 percent progress each. You can purchase this item in Colony Tau.

Second Round Feeding

  • Armu Barley
  • Fragrant Grass
  • Beautiful Shoot
  • Drumstick Leek
  • Juicy Melon
  • Polarizing Pip
  • Cracker Nut
  • Red Nameko

The best option here is Cracker Nut, which provides 20 percent progress and can be purchased in Colony 9.

Third Round Feeding

  • Armu Barley
  • Dish Philodendron
  • Frangible Yam
  • Plumage Peach
  • Dance Apple
  • Heart Peach
  • Accord Acorn
  • Khaki Kernel

The third round of feeding will most likely have your collectibles take a hit, as each item is only worth two or five percent. Plumage Peaches are the most commonly found, and offer five percent progress, so search for these in the Cadensia region.

You will need to complete these rounds each time you want to pick a new pair to breed. Just like in the main side quest, you can pay Pitapata to make it rain immediately.

Picking Armu And Ardun Pairs

Tussore speaking to the party about picking Ardun Pairs in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

The aim of this quest is to arrive at the Naughty Ardun and Brawny Armu option.

If you picked Easygoing Ardun and Timid Armu in the first part of the quest, you're going to want to pick the following pairs in this order:

  • Naughty Ardun and Considerate Armu
  • Gourmet Ardun and Excitable Armu
  • Naughty Ardun and Brawny Armu

If you selected a different pair in the quest, you should still aim for the Naughty and Brawny pair. Whenever you see a pair with Considerate, Gourmet, Excitable, Naughty or Brawny in it, go for that one, prioritising pairs with Naughty or Brawny.

There is a fair amount of RNG involved in this, so your best bet is to pick Easygoing and Timid in the beginning. If you didn't, the end is still achievable; it will just take longer.

Finishing Up

Tussore speaking about the special Ardun in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

When you return to the ranch after picking the Naughty Ardun and Brawny Armu, and making it rain, you'll find that a rare, shiny Ardun has been born.

Soon after, you'll hear that the colony is being attacked, and you need to protect the Ardun and Armu. A Moramora will appear, and you will need to beat it.

Once you beat the Moramora, you'll receive Gold Nopon Coins and be told that the ranch is now able to run on its own. Hooray — no more gathering collectibles!

Next: Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Complete Guide